Proud to say, I survived from 30-hr famine! HUNGER NO MORE

光榮地說! 我從飢餓30活著回來了! 你我童行, 飢餓不再!

really very hungry.

真的 很 餓 。

maybe I was just too hyperactive throughout the camp=  = 

可能我整個camp太hyperactive了=  =


even play so madly in the bus heading to Malawati Stadium till the volunteer came to advise us to save our energy for the last few hour, lol.

連在去stadium malawati的車上都玩到瘋玩到那個volunteer叫我們保存精力給等下的concert=  =

in the stadium, with 18000+ crowd, the feeling is tremendously horrible.

在stadium裏面, 18000多個人, 真的 超辛苦的

Not only hungry, it's really exhausted.

不只是餓 是已經完全虛脫了

even feel so hard to breathe.


The music was so noisy but can still fell asleep, imagine how exhausted ad.

那個音樂那麽朝我都可以睡下去 可見有多虛脫

but as what Marcus told us Saturday night, it's a pretty awesome experience.

可是真的像Marcus拜6晚上跟我們講的 不管怎樣 都是一個很棒的經歷

Really make me think.

真的 讓我想了很多

We were just fasting for 30 hours. 


Just without food for 30 hours, and we can still have drinking water.

只是沒有食物30個鈡 可是還有水喝

We just can't bathe ourselves within 30 hours and we felt so unendurable.


We just have to put on the same shirt for 2 days and we felt like yucksssss.


and all these were our own CHOICE, we chose to experience these.

可是 這些 是我們自己選的 我們自己選擇經歷的。

but, how about those in the third world?


They have no choice but are to accept.

不是他們選的 他們沒得選 卻必須接受

We all knew after a 30-hr, we all can have whatever food we like, but for them, the case is totally different.

我們知道30個小時過後我們要吃什麽都行 可是對他們來説 食物是多久以後的事他們根本不知道

We at least still have drinking water, but for them?

我們至少還有水喝 他們呢

They don't even have enough water to drink, bathing themselves is not the case ad.

連喝的水都沒有 更不用說沖涼

And most of the time, we were in air-conditioned environment and they ain't! They are in so poor condition and they can't bathe.

我們大部分的時間在冷氣房裏 他們在那麽惡劣那麽炎熱的環境 他們沒法沖涼

Some of them have to put on the same clothes for countless days.


we wonder we can survive without sleeping bag in 16-celcius condition


we feel so chilly cold even in blanket


how about them without shelter and they are sufferring at night and how they survive through the winter

那他們呢 連庇護所都未必有 晚上他們多難受 他們怎樣熬過冬天

The last 6 hours were so significant to me that I learnt most in the last 6 hours.


The concert of artists is not the point, is that, I suffered most in the last few hours.

不是因爲一大堆我們知道不知道的藝人的表演 而是最後6個小時我最痛苦

Not enough water to drink ad, feeling so dry and thirsty.

我們組已經不夠水喝了 真的缺水

The stadium was filled up with a crowd of 18000+ and all the doors were shutted and I felt so damn hard to breathe n keep deep-breathing

18000多個人的Stadium門全部關上  空氣不流通 我真的嚴重覺得呼吸困難  然後死命深呼吸

I felt so hot but my friends beside me didn't feel so, and I thought it was my body that was ad burning my stored protein, fat etc.

整個人很熱可是我旁邊的朋友都不覺得 我根本覺得是我的身體已經開始燃燒我的脂肪蛋白質那些來用了= =

and I'm ad feeling so fainting after fasting for so many hours and going through so many activities and not slept well

而且真的已經很暈了 禁食那麽多個小時 那麽多激烈的活動 又睡不夠

the pain in my muscles all over my body was so killing esp my thighs and ass. 

全身的肌肉根本是痛到撕裂 尤其是大腿和屁股= =


Feeling so exhausted that I could even fall asleep under the noisy environment and the spamming of music.

真的是虛脫 那麽吵音樂轟炸我都可以睡掉


Even so hard to lift any part of my body. 



the breaking fast part really made my realise how precious the food are to those poor.

break fast的時候真的是深刻體會到食物多麽寶貴


bread and soya, so simple food and that's more than enough ad.

麵包和豆漿 連很簡單的食物都很珍貴



coffee bread, though I so dislike coffee but I still swallow it n feel like it is so tasty!



The last few hours were totally placing me in a helpless state and I felt so terrible.

最後幾個小時就真的是逼我到一個很可怕很無力的狀態 根本是覺得很無力根本就是在撐著不要暈了


And all these led me to think of those in far more worse situation.

這些真的是讓我去想 那些處境比我糟糕n倍的人


They are sufferring for longer period and their conditions are totally not what that we could really go through.

他們一直都在那個環境裏受苦 然後是我們一輩子再怎麽樣都無法切身體會的


Fasting for 30 hours all of us feel like dying ad n they're struggling to survive without food and water for such a long time

30個小時沒有吃東西我們都覺得要死掉了 那他們的痛苦 長時間沒有東西吃沒有水喝 根本無法想象他們的痛他們的辛苦


People won't know unless they experience it.



Famine camp created the opprtunity for us to take the experience, though what we sufferred were just nth comparing to theirs

飢餓30給我們機會來經歷 雖然我們所經歷的辛苦跟他們的比根本不算什麽


The experience is awesome.



And I promise myself to do something after this.



And one more thing, making me so touched is that, LeeHom mentioned not only once, and even not only twice about his religion and spirituality on stage.

還有一個讓我很感動的是 力宏在臺上 不止一次也更不止2次提到他的信仰


So proud to have such a bravo brother in Lord.



He is really doing an awesome job of spreading the Love of Jesus with the talents and inspirational influence Lordfather credits to him :)

真的 他真的用著上帝賜予他的能力力量天分影響力來傳播那份大愛


how many ppl are following his steps



how many ppl are influenced by him



LeeHom, U R AWESOME! :)

力宏,你很棒!!!! :)


one more thing, I was awake when I heard Wei and Yen singing "小小的夢想能改變世界 只要仰望天父的力量" (small dream can change the world with the force of Lord) in front og 18000+ ppl on stage

還有 聽到薇薇和饒燕婷在臺上18000多人前唱“小小的夢想能改變世界 只要仰望天父的力量” 我直接醒掉



my groupmates were AWESOME!!!



It's really amazing that we ain't familiar, we didn't recognise each other but we mixed so well, we play so madly, we chit-chatted on everything, we shouted to support each other, we encouraged each other!





It's the camp with the best MC's ever! Marcus and KenG both are really AWESOME n BRAVO :)

最好的主持人的camp! Marcus和KenG都超盡心盡力超厲害超有chemistry的!


It's the 1st camp I used most english in my speaking



It's the 1st camp that only lasted for 2 days but managed making me feel so terribly painful all over my body.



painful in thighs and legs while walking and standing, and the pain didn't go off when I sit down as my ass is still painful after sitting for hours on the hard floor



though Leo Camp did make me feel pain in muscle as well but not that severe=  =

雖然Leo Camp也曾經讓我酸痛可是沒那麽嚴重過= =


and till now the moment I sit down or stand up, I walk down stairs, the pain is still killing=  =

而且到現在我坐下來或者站起來的那一刹那 走樓梯 大腿還是痛到要死=  =


even broke my record of waking up late at 3.30pm today=  =

而且還破紀錄今天睡醒已經是下午3點半了=  =



The 30-hour Famine Camp refreshed me with what I had learnt when I was preparing "Fun轉地球" camp



but my role switched as I was not a commitee to tell but a camper to experience, I was not the one to design the activities to let ppl learn but I was the one to undergo activities designed by others to make us learn

只是這一次的角色不一樣 不是努力讓大家學習到主題的籌委 而是來學習的營員 不是設計活動來讓大家學習的人 而是去參與別人設計的活動來學習他們想傳達的信息的活動


the feeling is really different, and it's really hard to explain

真的很不一樣 那份感覺很難解釋


feeling so grateful to have both experiences and both made my learning packed

很感恩由這兩份回憶和經歷 綜合在一起 才是完整的學習:)



What Marcus told us is really impressive.

The best thing in life to give.

And the bestest among the bests is to give to someone that u know n u r sure that he or she will never ever have the ability to repay you

He asked us to straighthen our arm and hold our fists, imagine there are delicious breads in front of us, and try to get them

Then, he asked us, all of us did released our fists to get the breads, ain't we?

And this is, 


to give, before u get.

    創作者 Fiona Tan 俐璇 的頭像
    Fiona Tan 俐璇

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